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Circuit découverte : La vallée verte et du Risse

Fernfahrer Um Annemasse
78.5 km
  • Das Vallée Verte ist ein Talkessel mit grünen Wiesen, der von mittelhohen Bergen beherrscht wird. Das Vallée du Risse, ein kleiner Fluss, der in eine felsige Schlucht eingeschnitten ist, lässt Sie eine steilere Landschaft entdecken.
  • Abfahrt
  • Höhenunterschied
    1437.24 m
  • Ganzjährig.
    Achtung: Passzugang im Winter überprüfen (Schnee).
  • Dokumentation
    Mit GPX / KML-Dateien können Sie die Route Ihrer Wanderung zu Ihrem GPS (oder einem anderen Navigationswerkzeug) exportieren
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Orte von Interesse
1 Grenette de Boege
Grenette de Boege
2 Kapelle Notre-Dame des Voirons
Hoch auf dem Bergkamm zwischen Himmel und Erde gelegen, vereint diese gotische Kapelle alle Elemente, um ein perfekter Ort der Kontemplation zu sein.
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3 Habère-Lullin château ruins
The château dates back to the 15th century. The Marquis de Lullin built the Gothic castle which has retained its style despite construction work up to the 17th century.<br/>In December 1943, the château saw a tragic event. A group of young people organised a ball for Christmas Eve. The Germans received information of this and, believing them to be members of the Resistance, attacked the church. The château was set on fire and all the men were shot. Only the women were spared. Now, all that's left are a few walls and a monument in memory of the young men.
4 Toilettes sèches du lac de la Crossetaz
Toilettes sèches du lac de la Crossetaz
5 La Crossetaz lake
The Lac de la Crossetaz is a charming spot for a picnic, fishing or just rest and relaxation in the great outdoors. The footpath is behind the church in Habère-Lullin. It's a ten minute slightly downhill walk.<br/>Composting toilets on the footpath.
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6 Office de Tourisme
Office de Tourisme
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7 Hirmentaz-Les Habères
Hirmentaz-Les Habères
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8 Lake Vallon
Created by a landslide in 1943, lake Vallon keeps secrets steeped in history. The lake, standing in the shadow of Roc d'Enfer between mountains and forests, delights walkers and anglers ( a haven for trout).
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9 PAYSALP Culture & Patrimoine
A museum that recounts life in the mountains in the last century. Carpenters, blacksmiths, farmers... tell you about their daily lives in an immersive exhibition. As a family, with friends, as a couple or even on your own, we look forward to welcoming you.<br/>There are so many unusual objects in this museum! But who did they belong to, and what could they have been used for? It's up to you to find out with our game booklets for young and old. You'll even be able to solve a certificate exercise in the classroom, bringing back memories for some.
Are you a gamer? Then our Absurd Game is for you: a timed exploration of the Museum filled with enigmas. Can you conjure up the curse that threatens you?
Groups all year round on reservation: <a target="_blank" href=""></a>
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1437 Meter Höhenunterschied
  • Maximale Höhe : 1210 m
  • Minimale Höhe : 439 m
  • Totaler positiver Höhenmeter : 1437 m
  • Totaler negativer Höhenmeter : -1437 m
  • Maximaler positiver Höhenmeter : 174 m
  • Maximaler negativer Höhenmeter : -112 m
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