ViaRhôna à vélo - Étape 03 - Genève > Vulbens

Place de Cornavin, CH - 1211 Genève
Achtung, der nächste Bahnhof ist mehr als


öffentliche Toiletten
Haustiere erlaubt
It is possible to travel with a pet transported in a luggage unit. But while it's tempting to consider having your dog run alongside your bike, this won't be possible everywhere: it will often have to be kept on a leash, and must be carried on sections of the route shared with motorized traffic. Dogs may not be allowed on certain departmental cycle paths or greenways. In France, by law, dogs must be kept on a leash on public roads and in public places, on pain of a 1st class fine (up to €38; category 3 dogs), or a 2nd class fine (up to €150; category 1 - attack dogs - and category 2 - defense or guard dogs - which must be muzzled). Not all accommodations accept pets. If they do, a supplement and proof of vaccination may be required. Dogs are not allowed in food stores.




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Nur bei günstigen Wetterbedingungen


ViaRhôna à vélo - Étape 03 - Genève > Vulbens
Place de Cornavin, CH - 1211 Genève
Achtung, der nächste Bahnhof ist mehr als
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