A network accessible to all
TAC Mobilités is committed to making its network as accessible as possible, so that everyone in the Annemasse conurbation can get around as they wish. At stations Where space permits, many bus stops are equipped with raised platforms to reduce the gap between the sidewalk and the bus sill. Stripes are installed on the ground to guide the visually impaired to the first door. Accessible stops are marked with an “o” symbol on the network map. When the bus arrives, the route and direction are automatically announced aloud near the first door. On board Buses are equipped with retractable ramps, automatic or manual, making it easier for wheelchair users to get on and off without difficulty. Inside, dedicated spaces are available for wheelchairs and baby carriages. All vehicles are low-floor for easy access. An audible and visual information system is integrated throughout the fleet. It announces the line, direction, next stops, possible connections and warns of any disruptions. Stop request buttons are located close to reserved seating areas, enabling passengers to signal a stop without having to move before the vehicle comes to a standstill. For a personalized service The TAD PMR (Transport À la Demande pour Personnes à Mobilité Réduite) service is aimed exclusively at disabled or reduced-mobility residents of Annemasse Agglo who are unable to use the regular TAC lines. This service enables you to travel between two addresses located in one of the 12 communes of the Annemasse agglomeration, Monday to Friday, 6am to 7pm, and Saturday 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 6pm.