©Mairie de Juvigny
JuvignyWhat to do in Juvigny?


Juvigny, a balance

Located between Ville-la-Grand and Saint-Cergues, Juvigny is a village made up of 3 main hamlets – the Chef-Lieu, Les Curtines-Groulines and La Plantaz.
It is a commune marked by Franco-Swiss and Savoyard history due to its geographical position on the border, very much linked to neighboring communes such as Puplinge, Presinge and Jussy.
Bordering the Swiss border and the woods of Jussy, it has a national forest and the Foron valley which allow it to live and evolve in a relatively protected setting. It is a place appreciated by all for its walks which offer beautiful views of the Voirons and the Salève.
Although small in size, the commune and its inhabitants are aware of the balance to be found between social life on its territory and the changes to be accompanied within a cross-border agglomeration.
With its very active associations: Juvigny en Fête, Sou de l’école, A travers chants choir, Sports Association, la Cible du Salève and the library, which is now part of the Annemasse Agglo network, the commune wants to promote links between its inhabitants while remaining open to the destiny of the Geneva basin.
Craftsmen are also present and animate the economic life.
In addition, the Altéa business site located on the territory of Juvigny is an important asset for the development of the largest companies and the attractiveness of the economic basin, with the strong idea that the Genevois region must welcome industrial players with high added value.

Practical information

Mairie de Juvigny
Route du Sorbier 74100 Juvigny
04 50 37 30 67

650 inhabitants

Community of communes: Annemasse Les Voirons Agglomeration

Border commune, Juvigny is located 4 km from Annemasse and 12 km from Geneva.

Access by public transport:

Tango and 7 lines, from the Altéa site and the La Plantaz district to the train station and downtown Annemasse.