Bois de Vernaz

Chemin des Bois de Vernaz, 74240 Gaillard
Please note that the nearest station is more than
‘Le Bois de Vernaz’ on the banks of the river Arve is a natural, wooded location offering walkers and mountain bikers a place in which to spend some time relaxing and discovering the local fauna and flora.
‘Le Bois de Vernaz’ is a natural area of interest for ecology, flora and fauna. It has been subject to important forest management in order to ensure its sustainability. The wood has been given an educational role with the creation of a hiking trail and the erection of several information panels.
  • Tips
    The trail links up with the Lake Geneva - Mont Blanc path which follows the banks of the river Arve.


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Picnic area
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Self-guided visits




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Bois de Vernaz
Chemin des Bois de Vernaz, 74240 Gaillard
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Bois de Vernaz
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  • In the forest
  • In the country
  • Take the Bois de Vernaz road in the direction of the Ocybèle water treatment plant or access via ‘La Châtelaine’ recreational area.
Updated on 17 May 2024 at 10:32
by Office de Tourisme des Monts du Genevois
(Offer identifier : 118507)
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