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Boucle pédestre des Voûtes

Walking/pedestrian in Étrembières
7.8 km
  • This is the most comprehensive and varied walk on the Petit Salève, passing under spectacular rocky arches that have brought people here for many centuries (hermits, tourists etc.). Traces of early visitors are still visible today.

    On your walk, look out for the arches and old inscriptions, the chapel in Etrembières and the Eaux-Belles spring. In Monnetier-Mornex, the 19th-century hotels and boarding houses are a reminder that the village was once a high-altitude resort particularly...
    This is the most comprehensive and varied walk on the Petit Salève, passing under spectacular rocky arches that have brought people here for many centuries (hermits, tourists etc.). Traces of early visitors are still visible today.

    On your walk, look out for the arches and old inscriptions, the chapel in Etrembières and the Eaux-Belles spring. In Monnetier-Mornex, the 19th-century hotels and boarding houses are a reminder that the village was once a high-altitude resort particularly popular with people from the Geneva area. The magnificent Ermitage Castle is also of interest. The walk takes you along the route of the old funicular railway past the former station, now a library.
  • Deals
    In the village of Monnetier, lecterns provide information on its past as a tourist centre. In Mornex, see the plaque commemorating Richard Wagner and John Ruskin (they stayed at the Pavillon des Glycines in Mornex) and the Anglican chapel. Mont Gosse (a famous name given to the mountain by Henri Albert Gosse who lived at its summit) and the Bas-Mornex Valley are local beauty spots. Don't miss the Grand Salève (cable car, botany trail and superb views over Geneva and its lake).
  • Departure
  • Difference in height
    405.762 m
  • Plain text period
    All year round.<br/><br/>Subject to favorable weather.
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)
  • Accepted customers
    • Individuals
Points of interest
8 Notre Dame d'Etrembières chapel
It dates from the 15th century and was completed in 1481. The building is quite large for the population of the time, around 50 inhabitants. It is Romanesque in style, yet its vaulting is in the slender Gothic style.<br/>It is pierced by Romanesque windows, one at the back of the sanctuary, others on each side and another over the entrance door. Its thick walls are supported on the south side by three massive buttresses. The entrance door is Romanesque, with a semicircular arch and two framing columns with elaborate capitals.
9 Château d'Etrembières
Built in the 12th century at the foot of the Salève, the château was originally owned by the Knights of Étrembières from Geneva. This ancient stronghold in the heart of the Haute-Savoie region underwent numerous transformations, notably in the 15th and 16th centuries.<br/>The building takes the form of an enclosure flanked by round towers at the corners. The restored dwellings are set around an inner courtyard. Part of the Château d'Étrembières was demolished in the 16th century.
406 meters of difference in height
  • Maximum altitude : 779 m
  • Minimum altitude : 435 m
  • Total positive elevation : 406 m
  • Total negative elevation : -406 m
  • Max positive elevation : 158 m
  • Min positive elevation : -171 m
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