The Sauffaz's waterfall is fed by the torrent of the small valley of Sales, low forming the Cascade du Rouget.
The Pleureuse's waterfall owes its name with the fact that the water which feeds it, comes from the resurgences pointing out the flow of tears.
The Pleureuse's waterfall owes its name with the fact that the water which feeds it, comes from the resurgences pointing out the flow of tears.
Sauffraz waterfall gets its source from the torrent in the small valley of Sales, leading to Rouget waterfall lower down.
The Pleureuse waterfall owes its name to its water source coming from seeping water that resembles tears (pleurer = 'to cry' in French).
The Pleureuse waterfall owes its name to its water source coming from seeping water that resembles tears (pleurer = 'to cry' in French).
No pets allowed
From 1 June 2024 until 15 November 2024 - Open everyday
Subject to favorable weather
- In the mountains
- After Rouget waterfall, above Le Lignon, towards the Sales and Anterne hiking trails