Cycling loop: Circuit du Salève

, 74100 Annemasse
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Crossing Le Salève this way, you won't encounter any gradients over 6%. This allows you to admire the famous panoramic view of Lake Geneva! When you set off from Annecy you go across (on foot) the impressive Caille bridge.
Direction of travel: clockwise
Landmarks and connections: From Annemasse: common route along the north Plateau des Bornes, 1 km from the river Avre crossing to the RD2/RD15 junction. ; Cruseilles (meets the Plateau des Bornes south route n°21). Train station TER: Annemasse - Annecy information: inhabited for more than 12,000 years, the Salève mountain has been a tourist attraction for more than a century. Since 1893 it was served by the world’s first funicular railway, which has since been...


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Cycling loop: Circuit du Salève
, 74100 Annemasse
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Cycling loop: Circuit du Salève
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  • Mountain view
  • In the forest
  • View onto lake, body of water, river, canal
  • In the mountains
  • Outskirts of town
  • Car Park: La Libération
Updated on 10 December 2024 at 17:15
by Conseil Départemental de la Haute-Savoie
(Offer identifier : 74733)
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