Cycling loop: Pierre aux Fées trail

, 74100 Annemasse
Please note that the nearest station is more than
A short but hilly route to visit the dolmen of La Pierre-aux-Fées, where a picnic site has been created - so why not take a packed lunch?
A number of intersections and stretches alongside roads with traffic require caution.

Direction of travel: clockwise
Landmarks and connections: Cranves-Sales / La Bergue (shared departure with Tour du Môle no. 25 and intersections with Balcons d'Annemasse no. 26 and Tour des Voirons no. 27); Bonne (leave Tour du Môle no. 25); Pierre-aux-Fées; Reignier (intersection with Plateau des Bornes north no. 22)

When you leave the dolmen, take great care because you have to go along the RD907...
  • Tips
    From amongst the 5 or 6 dolmens found in the Haute Savoie, the most spectacular is definitely La Pierre-aux-Fées in the hamlet of Saint-Ange. It is classified as an historic monument. It is known to date from Neolithic times, although nobody is really sure what it was used for (a tomb, an altar or something else). What is known, however, is that its 5 metre long tabular capstone is granite from Mont Blanc which was deposited by glaciers. It is on display in such a way that it makes a nice place to stop and enjoy a picnic. That alone is a good enough reason to cycle to it and take a look!




Cycling loop: Pierre aux Fées trail
, 74100 Annemasse
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Cycling loop: Pierre aux Fées trail
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  • Car Park: La Libération
Updated on 10 December 2024 at 17:15
by Conseil Départemental de la Haute-Savoie
(Offer identifier : 74740)
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