Grotte du Jourdy

Le Jourdy, 74440 Mieussy
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Grotto and Way of the Cross accessible on foot from the village of Le Jourdy. Today, the grotto is a place of pilgrimage, rest and rejuvenation, with the sound of birdsong and a refreshing spring.
From the village of Mieussy, take a steep path through the woods, and a small, winding path leads to a Way of the Cross made from large stones found and hewn on site.

There are 13 Stations of the Cross along the way.

The fourteenth station bears the inscription: Sanctuary of the Holy Family, erected on May 8, 1881. This is the grotto itself.
A statue of the Virgin Mary is set in a cavity in the rock, and a statue of St. Joseph stands on a pedestal on the left.

This vast, deep...




All year 2025 - Open everyday

Subject to snow conditions


Grotte du Jourdy
Le Jourdy, 74440 Mieussy
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Grotte du Jourdy
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Updated on 20 December 2024 at 14:40
by Praz de Lys Sommand Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6023800)
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