Walking itinerary : le Pas de l'Échelle

Parking de la gare inférieure du téléphérique du Salève, 74100 Étrembières
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Classic Salève hike, round trip to the Upper Station of the Cableway from the district of Pas de l'Échelle in Etrembières. Discover the history of the oldest trail of the Salève, with an impressive panorama !
The hike of the Pas de l'Echelle will make you discover a rich natural and historical heritage in the heart of the Salève mountain. The climb is first made by an old trail dating from the 14th century, original by its steps carved out of stone, allowing to cross the rocky bar between the Petit Salève and the Salève.

You will then walk towards the village of Monnetier and its castle built on the cliff side at the beginning of the 16th century, by François-Prosper of Geneva-Lullin....
  • Tips
    You can extend the walk beyond the village of Le Pas de l'Echelle by taking the cross-border path to Sierne (guidebook available in local libraries). Along the way are information panels on the biological corridors created by local schoolchildren. Sights include the lakes and marshes of the islands in the River Arve, bourgeois residences in Sierne and Veyrier and the castle and chapel in Etrembières.
  • Guidebook with maps/step-by-step
    0/ Parking at the Salève cable car
    1/ At the cable car parking, follow the departure station on the right by Chemin Berlioz to reach the directional post «Les Teppes».
    2/ At the post «Les Teppes» follow «Téléphérique Gare Supérieur par Monnetier», the next post you will encounter will be «Chemin de Veyrier».
    3/ Arrived at «Chemin de Veyrier» continue towards «La Touvière».
    4/ A «La Touvière» continue by following «L’Ermitage».
    5/ From «L'Ermitage» always follow the direction of «L'Observatoire», you will have to go through the following directional posts: «Monnetier Église», «L'Oratoire», and «Pré Berger».
    6/ Arrived at «Pré Berger» follow «Téléphérique Gare Supérieur par Monnetier» and you have arrived.
    7/ Take the same route in the opposite direction to get back down and reach your starting point.


Not accessible in a wheelchair
Car park
Animals accepted
Pets allowed on leash only. First category dogs are not allowed in Salève cable car stations and cabins.




Walking itinerary : le Pas de l'Échelle
Parking de la gare inférieure du téléphérique du Salève, 74100 Étrembières
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Walking itinerary : le Pas de l'Échelle
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  • Mountain view
  • View onto lake, body of water, river, canal
  • In the mountains
  • Access (by car): From Annemasse, take the D1206 towards the Salève cable car. Follow the signs for the Salève cable car until you reach the cable car parking area.
Updated on 10 December 2024 at 17:14
by Conseil Départemental de la Haute-Savoie
(Offer identifier : 112314)
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