“Cool place to visit at any time of the year and for any age.
Nicely decorated and very interesting museum and attraction. There’s also a small restaurant there. Plenty of funny hidden jems all through the place. Must see.”
“Cool place to visit at any time of the year and for any age.
Nicely decorated and very interesting museum and attraction. There’s also a small restaurant there. Plenty of funny hidden jems all through the place. Must see.”
Are you ready to soak up all the magic of Christmas?
Whatever your age, Father Christmas’ house will take you back to the wonderful world of Christmas.
Be enchanted by the ‘Hameau du Père Noël’ (Father Christmas Village) This is the magical place where Mother Christmas, Father Christmas, Père Fouettard and all the elves live…
Step through the doorway and immerse yourself in this beautifully decorated setting. It will make the eyes of your little ones, toddlers, well-behaved children (and those who are less so) shine. At the Father Christmas Post Office, your children can send their Christmas letter and receive a reply from Father Christmas himself!
Mother Christmas will also welcome you into her thatched cottage. Make yourself comfortable and listen to some great stories.
Extend your visit this winter with the ‘Grand parc de Noël’ (Christmas Park) and enjoy twice as much magic!
Do you know the ‘Parc des Épouvantails’ (Scarecrow Park)? This winter, it will be transformed into a huge Christmas park. Just a stone’s throw from the Christmas Village, Father Christmas will have some new friends to welcome as neighbours. This park, decked out in Christmas colours, has new places to visit combined with outdoor activities and animals, etc.
Here, Père Fouettard, the pastry chef Père Gourmand, Mother Christmas and the Nutcrackers rub shoulders with friendly farmyard animals. Sheep, goats, donkeys, pigs and geese live happily together in this haven of peace.
The bravest can even open the door of where terrifying Père Fouettard lives! Take care children, he’ll try to deceive you with mustard, coal, potatoes and onions!
Then follow your feet to the tree maze. Enjoy the experience to the sound of famous Christmas tunes. Stroll along the kilometre of pathways through the trees.
It’s getting close to teatime. It’s the perfect time to make a quick visit to Père Gourmand. In his large house, Father Christmas’ pastry chef conjures up all his inventiveness to try and surprise the taste buds of the famous man in red. Find out about his favourite recipes and their secrets during your visit.
Can you smell that delicious aroma? It’s those teatime treats tempting your nostrils. The Father Christmas Village and Grand Parc know how to please all those foodies among you with hot chocolate (or mulled wine for the adults), waffles and crêpes. The choice is yours!
As Christmas is all about community at the Father Christmas Village, head up to the attic where tens of thousands of ‘dummies’ are on display.
This place instantly takes adults back to childhood and helps little ones to grow up.
Thanks to the donations of dummies, Father Christmas can support the ‘Pour un sourire d’Enfant’ association. This association is committed to lifting the children who work on the rubbish dumps in Phnom Penh out of poverty. With the over 22,000 dummies donated, 22,000 meals have been distributed!
For one day, enjoy a trip into the very heart of Christmas magic!
Based on 4 people (2 adults, 2 children). Price includes both parks: Santa’s Hamlet and the Great Christmas Park.
Open Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays outside school holidays, every day during school holidays except 25/12 and 01/01.
To avoid overcrowding, we advise you to buy your tickets in advance.
Pushchairs are not allowed in the Father Christmas Village.