You’ve reached the end of your working day. It’s time to switch off your computer and unwind. You’ve planned an evening with friends. The ideal way to forget the day’s complications and the clients’ demands.
Feeling stressed? Having very busy days at the moment? We’ve found just the activity to help you unwind and get rid of all the stress and anxiety. Axe-throwing! Isn’t that great?! Believe it or not, this activity is perfect for letting off steam. And besides, who has never secretly dreamt of spending an evening playing at Vikings?!
The idea is simple. Armed with an axe, take aim at the target, then throw. The goal is to plant your axe at the centre of the wooden log and score a maximum number of points. Afraid of messing up your first throw? Before the contest begins, you’ll be welcomed by a member of the team. They will explain the rules and show you how to throw the axe to improve your chances. One thing’s for sure: after 45 minutes you’ll have a lot less on your mind!
Axe-throwing is great, but it does make you thirsty! It’s time to hang up your axe and move onto the next step of the evening.
Head to Archamps and the Au Bureau pub. Step into a real centre of life with a British atmosphere. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, perfect for pursuing this enjoyable evening.
Once settled in comfortably, check out the drinks menu and choose your poison! Beers, cocktails and mocktails, there’s a treat here for everyone! How about a plate of finger food to accompany your drink, to share…or not! What takes your fancy? Breaded cheese or fried vegetables? You’ll be spoilt for choice.
The waiter is already coming to take your order. Time to raise your glasses to this evening!
Cosy sofas, comfortable armchairs, or large friendly tables…there’s a seat for you here in this original and authentic pub, where every detail of the decoration is an invitation to relax. Conversations flow, laughter fills the air and you let yourself be carried away by the warm atmosphere. Time seems to stand still, and before you know it, the evening has slipped away. But is that not the sign of a good time? There’s nothing like an after-work outing to forget your day, put your stress aside and unwind. Let yourself go in this temple to good cheer. Peals of laughter and memorable shared instants remind you to live the present moment to the full.
This cocktail of relaxation, complicity and joy is the perfect recipe for a great night out. These carefree moments will recharge your batteries.
Leave relaxed, your mind freed of stress and your heart filled with precious shared moments, ready to attack the next day with a smile.
* Alcohol can harm your health. Please drink responsibly.