Crémeux de chèvre frais aux herbesCrémeux de chèvre frais aux herbes
©Crémeux de chèvre frais aux herbes|Refuge des Gourmets

Fresh goat cheese crémeux with herbs

~ Starter ~

Fresh goat cheese crémeux with herbs

This was a great success for takeaways during the lockdown!
Now it will regularly feature on the Bistro menu!

Published on 7 March 2022

Summer is on its way, the days are lengthening and the temperatures rising.
No more heavy, hearty meals – we want something light!

Look no further! Be tempted by chef Hubert Chanove’s fresh goat cheese crémeux with herbs. This is the recipe for you!
Do you have some freshly picked herbs, olive oil and fresh goat cheese? The chef uses cheese from Le Petit Mont farm in Bellevaux.

Ready? Right, get your apron on!

Recipe for 4 people
Preparation time: 15 to 20 mins
Cooking time: no cooking required



– 180 g of fresh goat cheese
– 100 g of light whipping cream
– Celery flavoured olive oil (home-made)
– Olive oil
– Salt and pepper
– 1 lime
– Mix of fresh garden herbs

Recipe steps


1. Place your fresh goat cheese in a bowl and, using a mixer, blend at low speed until the cheese becomes homogeneous and takes on a smooth texture. Add the celery oil (you can replace this with hazelnut or walnut oil).

2. Slowly add the whipping cream while increasing the mixer’s speed until you obtain a whipped cream cheese texture. At the last moment add salt & pepper and a little olive oil.

3. Once you’ve reached the right consistency, add a mix of pre-washed fresh garden or mountain herbs, as well as a little lime zest to add some freshness to the crémeux.

4. You could add some croûtons made by cutting some bread into small cubes measuring 5 mm by 5 mm and baking them in the oven (150° C) on a tray with olive oil, garlic and rosemary and a little salt until golden brown.

To be enjoyed as a starter.

Interview Refuge des GourmetsLe Chef Chanove
©Le Chef Chanove
Tips from the chef

This goat cheese crémeux can also be used as a savoury spread for an aperitif with crunchy vegetables or on your cheeseboard.

It can be made in many different ways (depending on the season and the herbs available) but is always a winning dish!

Bon appétit !

Hubert Chanove, Le Refuge des Gourmets
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