Verrines à la framboiseVerrines à la framboise
©Verrines à la framboise|Shutterstock - Anna Pustynnikova

Raspberry verrines

~ Dessert ~

Raspberry verrines

The month of June is arriving and with it comes one of the stars of the region – the raspberry.
This iconic fruit from the Voirons can be enjoyed from the end of spring through to the autumn to the delight of our taste buds!

Published on 22 March 2022

Want something fresh? We have just the thing!

During the 1930s, raspberries were a significant part of Machilly and the Les Voirons mountains. The fruit’s delicate flavour will also captivate you today. They are simply delicious combined with honey and mascarpone!

They can be enjoyed without restraint from June through to September.

Recipe for 4 people
Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: no cooking required



– 200 g of mascarpone
– 200 g of raspberries
– 8 ladyfingers
– 3 tablespoons of honey
– 100 g of Chantilly cream

Recipe steps


1. Whip the mascarpone with the honey and gently fold in the whipped cream.

2. Crush the biscuits and line the bottom of the 4 verrines.

3. Then add the raspberries, followed by the mixture.

4. Carry out steps 1, 2 & 3 again to create a second layer.

5. Decorate with a few raspberries.

6. Store the verrines in the fridge for at least 2 hours and serve chilled.

Eat as soon as you can!

Chef cuisinierChef cuisinier
©Chef cuisinier
Tips from the chef

“This dessert is perfect for complementing a fine coffee or to round off a hearty meal.”

Bon appétit !
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