©Salève|Alpcat Médias

Go hiking

in complete safety

Every weekend it’s the same old song.
Your newsfeed on social media is full of photos. Each one is even more impressive than the last. Photos of mountains, magnificent views of the Alps, Lake Geneva and the Jura. The amazing memories of hiking past lakes and across mountains with your friends.

Would you like to take photos like this too? And see these views with your own eyes? Feel the warm sun on your cheeks and the light breeze through your hair. And of course, that amazing feeling of pride when you reach the peak. Come on, admit it, it’s your dream!

So what are you waiting for, it’s time!

Expérience de la sortie Full Moon Night proposée par le Bureau de Montagne du SalèveExpérience de la sortie Full Moon Night proposée par le Bureau de Montagne du Salève
©Expérience de la sortie Full Moon Night proposée par le Bureau de Montagne du Salève|Alpcat Médias
1st step

Choose your itinerary

It’s your turn to set off along the footpaths through the great outdoors.

Of course, your first hiking outing might feel a bit overwhelming. You’re not sure where to go or what to take with you. You might be afraid of getting lost, hurting yourself, overestimating your ability.
Don’t worry! We are here to help.

The first thing to do is choose the itinerary that is perfectly suited to you.
Make your choice according to your level of ability, distance, duration and geographical area.

Lake Geneva, Mont-Blanc, Jura… In the Monts du Genevois, you don’t need to be an expert hiker to enjoy the best views. How lucky are you!

2nd step

Be well prepared

Have you chosen your itinerary?
Now it’s time to get yourself prepared. Before going hiking, you need to be equipped with all the right gear. Here are some recommendations to make sure you don’t forget anything.

The most important thing is of course hiking boots. Don’t even think about wearing trainers! You’ll need shoes that support the ankle, are waterproof and with good grip to make sure you don’t slip.
Have you found the right shoes?

The next most important item is a backpack! It must be comfortable to carry and big enough for everything you’ll need for your day of hiking.

Here is a list of what you’ll need to put in it:

  • A water bottle
  • A cap and hat
  • Sun cream
  • Sunglasses
  • A waterproof jacket
  • A warm top
  • Cereal bars, dried fruit, sandwiches
  • A knife
  • A bin bag
  • A mobile telephone (charged)
  • A first aid kit
  • Walking sticks
  • A torch with batteries
  • Paper and a pen
  • Spare laces for your shoes

And of course, you must remember to bring a camera, to make sure your memories last a lifetime!

One last thing to check before leaving: the weather forecast.

Depending on the weather conditions, the seasons, and the crowds, the condition of the footpaths could vary.

Whatever the season, it’s important to check the weather forecast before setting off into the mountains!

3rd step

Respect nature

Classified Natura 2000 zone and decrees for the protection of biotopes… The Monts du Genevois and the rest of Haute-Savoie boast countless sensitive natural areas.
Some of them are found along the coastline, in the mountains, in wetlands or elsewhere, and all these areas are open to hikers but are protected by regulatory measures.
Before setting off hiking, make sure you are aware of these rules and guidelines.

4th step

Follow the markings

Have you informed someone that you are going hiking and of your chosen route? Perfect!

When you arrive, equipped with your map, start off on the right foot by pinpointing the departure point.
As you walk, make sure you identify and follow the markings.
Information panels, direction posts, stickers, and paint could all be used to indicate the route on posts, rocks, trees or walls.

To ensure coherence throughout the area, the markings and signposts have to respect an official charter.
This charter guarantees the quality of materials used, respect of the environment around the footpaths, the durability of materials used and the colours.

5th step

Enjoy the view

You’re ready. The great open spaces await!
Don’t forget to take photos along the way. Share your photos with us on social networks using the hashtag #Montsdegeneve !
But above all, enjoy the peace-and-quiet and calm atmosphere of this natural environment.
Keep your eyes and ears peeled to make sure you don’t miss anything in this magnificent place!