Winter sportsWinter sports
©Winter sports|Mathis DECROUX
Winter sports

Winter sports

Can’t resist the call of the snow?
Head off in search of adventure in snow-shoes or on cross-country skiing trails… And discover the joys of winter sports.

Discover the places & activities offered by our partners!

Getting around Salève

in winter

From January 15 to March 15, 2024
The RD 45 between La Croisette and Collonges-sous-Salève will be one-way downhill on Saturdays and Sundays from 2.30pm to 6.30pm.

Parking will be prohibited in certain zones at the summit of the Salève, to improve traffic flow.

If weather conditions make it necessary, the RD 45 may be closed in both directions from time to time, to allow the snow clearing machine to travel back and forth.

Who will be affected?
This downhill one-way system will apply to all vehicles, including emergency and snow-clearing vehicles.
People wishing to go to La Croisette should plan their route in advance.
It will still be possible to drive up from La Muraz all day on weekends via the RD 15 and RD 48.

Reminder :

winter road closures

  • The RD 41A between La Croisette and Monnetier-Mornex (route de l’Observatoire) is sometimes closed due to snowdrifts, until the snow has been cleared.
  • The RD 41A from La Croisette towards Cruseilles is closed every year, as soon as snow conditions allow, for winter sports.
  • Depending on the weather, certain roads may be closed due to flooding or landslides. Before taking to the road, consult

If you’d like to receive a more comprehensive offer, please contact our Tourist Promotion Officers!

The Resorts


Want to explore a little further? Explore other ski areas and resorts from the Monts du Genevois.
In Haute-Savoie or the Jura, downhill or cross-country… You’re sure to find what you’re looking for in our selection. All you have to do is make your choice!