Route des Crêtes du SalèveRoute des Crêtes du Salève
©Route des Crêtes du Salève|Alpcat Médias

How to get

to Monts du Genevois

Welcome to Haute-Savoie, just outside Geneva!

If you have travelled to any big winter sports resorts or in the direction of Switzerland or Italy, you have probably been through our region! Monts du Genevois is not only an unmissable natural crossroads leading to Geneva, Chamonix and Annecy; it is also a destination in its own right that is well worth a visit.

Find out everything you need to know for your trip to Monts du Genevois.

Coming to the Monts du Genevois

by air

There are daily flights from all over France and main European and international cities to Geneva International Airport.

The airport is easy to reach (approximately 30 min by car from Annemasse) and there are train and coach links to the Genevois and Annemasse regions.
There are numerous car parks, restaurants and shops. Also, thanks to the airport’s own train station, it’s possible to reach Geneva in just 7 min thanks to the Airport train/shuttle service.

Flight information: 00 41 900 571 500
Information for arriving in France: 00 41 227 982 000

Coming to the Monts du Genevois

by train

There are 4 train stations in the Monts du Genevois region, making it a very easy place to get to and then to get around the local area.

There are regular trains to Valleiry, Saint-Julien-En-Genevois, Annemasse and Machilly from Geneva, Lyon, Annecy, Saint-Gervais, Evian and even Paris (with a change in Bellegarde).

Book your train tickets on the SNCF website
Or by calling 363508 92 35 35 35 (from abroad)

1 territory, 4 train stations
Coming to the Monts du Genevois

by road

The ideal destination just: 2 hours from Aoste, 1.5 hours from Lyon and Grenoble, 1 hour from Chamonix and 30 minutes from Annecy.

You will arrive at your destination when you leave:

The A40 motorway at exit 13.1: Valleiry, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, Archamps.
Or exit 14: Annemasse

The A41 motorway exit 13: Saint-Julien-en-Genevois

National Centre for Traffic Information 0 800 100 200 (€0.15/minute).

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