©Parking|Egor Myznik


in the Monts du Genevois

Where can I park my car or motorbike in Annemasse and Saint-Julien?

It’s easy to park in Saint-Julien!

Around 2,000 spaces

To run a quick errand or to take advantage of public transport services to get to Geneva, you can leave your car in the town centre of Saint-Julien.
Parking guide

Easy parking in Annemasse

A space for everyone

There are countless, varied places to park in Annemasse. There’s a space for everyone, free or at a fee, depending on your needs. The first 30 minutes of parking is free for the enclosed underground or above-ground car parks.

Parking guide

Take off with complete peace-of-mind

Park’n plane Geneva

Book your parking space and your taxi just 15 min from Geneva airport.
These car parks in Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, close to Geneva Airport, are a practical, economical and safe alternative solution to airport parking.