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Boucle pédestre : dans les couloirs du temps

A pie en Chevrier
6.9 km
A pie
2h 30min
  • Un paseo para descubrir el patrimonio rural del Pays du Vuache. Iglesia y centro del pueblo, antiguas granjas, tradiciones agrícolas y leyendas.
  • Salida
  • Desnivel
    144 m
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Puntos de interés
1 Pont Carnot
The project and the execution of the works were carried out by Sadi Carnot, then engineer of the Bridges and Roads of Haute-Savoie before meeting a political destiny which would lead him on to the Presidency of the French Republic, which is where the name originates from.<br/>The construction of this spot - made with cut stone at the heights of Le Vuache, at the place known as "la Forge", began in 1868 to be completed in 1873 due to the war of 1870. It has two particularities: a large arch to resist the violence of the floods of the Rhône and two divisions, imposed by the Ministry of War, in order to allow a limited destruction of the bridge in the event of hostilities.
2 Atout Pom'74
Atout Pom cuenta con 30 hectáreas de huertos situados frente a las montañas de Vuache, beneficiándose de un terruño con un microclima especial. Con la producción integrada de fruta y la agricultura ecológica, favorecemos la protección natural.<br/>Más de 15 variedades de manzanas y 5 de peras, elegidas por su sabor. Esto significa que cada año se cosechan 1.000 toneladas de manzanas y 200 toneladas de peras.
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144 metros de desnivel
  • Altura máxima : 486 m
  • Altura mínima : 345 m
  • Desnivel total positivo : 144 m
  • Desnivel positivo/negativo : -144 m
  • Desnivel positivo máximo : 14 m
  • Desnivel negativo máximo : -137 m
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