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Boucle pédestre : les églises et les chapelles de Viry

A pie en Viry
11.3 km
A pie
  • En el corazón del Pays du Vuache, venga a descubrir la ruta señalizada por las iglesias y capillas de Viry.
  • Salida
  • Desnivel
    162.667 m
  • Todo el año.
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Puntos de interés
1 Viry Church
Built in 1844, in the Neo-Classical style with a Basilica layout. The square bell tower has a clock on three sides, each clock facing a hamlet.<br/>The interior of the church is lavish. Two benches of the lords of Viry remain in place with the carved coat of arms "Virtute Viry" (strength is born of virtue). The family vault can be found below. The chapel of the lords was previously locked.
The old church, demolished in 1843, was deemed shapeless and without structure by Claude Louis Naz, the vicar of Viry. The interior pillars and pilasters are made from sandstone and molasse coming from the tower and buttresses of the old church. The cut limestone was extracted from Mont Salève (quarry above the Grand Châble)
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2 Humilly chapel
Dedicated to St-Eusèbe, a small building from the 13th century (stone pointed arch door) whose facade is topped with a tower. It is equipped with imposing cut-stone buttresses.<br/>The chancel, according to Edmont Ganter, is in a Cistercian style, with a broken-bow barrel vault and a lancet arch window in the rear wall. On this wall we find a piscina to the right of the altar and a tabernacle for the Blessed Sacrament.
163 metros de desnivel
  • Altura máxima : 577 m
  • Altura mínima : 415 m
  • Desnivel total positivo : 163 m
  • Desnivel positivo/negativo : -163 m
  • Desnivel positivo máximo : 64 m
  • Desnivel negativo máximo : -92 m
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